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Unit VIII Final Project

Unit VIII Final Project

Q Unit VIII Project For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company you used in previous units. The Unit VIII Project will now combine what you previously developed into a final strategic plan for the company. When creating your strategic plan, focus on the following points: Analyze internal and external issues. Assess global and national competition. Analyze key financial statements, and explain how items such as corporate tax rates can affect your company’s ability to compete on a global scale. Examine the future outlook for the industry and your selected organization. BUS 4951, Business Policy and Strategic Management

Q Implement performance tools used for measuring business performance. Integrate corrective actions to take if the business is not performing successfully. Explain how training programs, job enrichment, and motivation techniques can improve employee satisfaction and performance evaluation. Regarding the future of the organization, you may be creative and add your own insight on where you see the company going. This can include information about how the new product or service line you introduced in Unit IV will impact the company. Your paper must be at least three full pages in length (does not include the title page or the reference page), and you must use at least two academic sources from the Waldorf Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. This formal paper example provided by the Waldorf University Writing Center shows this type of formatting. The How to Find Journal Articles tutorial is another great resource to help with your research.

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Walmart Inc. is an American –based international company that is engaged in the business of retail, wholesale, as well as digital shopping in the USA, India, China, Africa, Canada, and, Mexico (University, n.d.). It tops the list of Fortune 500, by being the world’s largest company by revenue. The industry under which this company works is Consumer Discretionary according to ICB 40401010. It employs more than 2 million people all over the world. The purpose of the multinational firm is to safe and affordable products to people around the globe. By doing so, it wants to enhance economic and social sustainability and also provide employment opportunities to as many people as possible.